
The McGill Law Journal organizes various events throughout the academic year to promote academic research and student involvement. The Journal usually organizes a symposium, an annual lecture, and a francophone conference each year. These events are popular amongst legal professionals, law students, and the general public. The also provide the Journal with quality article submissions, which help us further our goals of publishing high-calibre academic content. Our events are generally recognized for CLE credits and are followed by cocktails which offer great networking opportunities for the legal community.

In order to further contribute to Faculty life, the Journal hosts a variety of events exclusively for students. Our annual Coffeehouse held during the recruitment period provides prospective Journal members the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Journal and the team. The Journal organizes several citations workshops that help students navigate the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation—an important tool for law students and future lawyers.

Our events are fun, thought-provoking, and encourage discussions on critical legal issues. We hope to see you at our next one!

12 Jan 2024

Reimagining Justice: Artificial Intelligence (AI)’s Power for Redress and Division

Please join the McGill Law Journal on February 9th for this years symposium: Reimagining Justice: Artificial Intelligence (AI)’s Power for Redress and Division. Divided into three panels (see below for schedule and speakers), the event will center on how AI’s pervasive presence combats injustice and simultaneously deepens structures of inequality and …

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11 Jan 2024

A Difficult Road to Justice: The Relationship Between Mental Health and Access to Justice

  The McGill Law Journal is excited to welcome Madam Justice Michelle O’Bonsawin, Supreme Court of Canada, to present this year’s annual lecture entitled “A Difficult Road to Justice: The Relationship Between Mental Health and Access to Justice.” The lecture is free and open to the public. Following the lecture, there …

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26 Sep 2023

Le chemin d’intégration: Interventions politiques et la situation actuelle des migrant(e)s au Canada et au Québec

La Revue de droit de McGill est heureuse de présenter sa conférence francophone annuelle. Cette année, la conférence explorera les implications juridiques des récentes politiques d’immigration et la manière dont elles déterminent ou compliquent la situation actuelle des migrants au Québec. Les quatre intervenants seront: Idil Atak (Toronto Metropolitan University), François Larocque …

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6 Mar 2023

Reckoning with Racism: Police, Judges, and the RDS Case

The McGill Law Journal is delighted to welcome Professor Constance Backhouse, C.M., O.Ont., F.R.S.C., distinguished University Professor and University Research Chair at the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, to give this year's Annual Lecture entitled, "Reckoning with Racism: Police, Judges, and the RDS Case". Cette année, la Revue de droit de McGill a le …

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27 Sep 2022

Droits linguistiques & la loi 96

  La Revue de droit de McGill a le plaisir d’organiser sa Conférence francophone annuelle! Cet événement portera sur les droits linguistiques et la loi 96. Rejoignez-nous pour une conversation franche avec notre panel d’experts : Me Marika Giles Samson (modératrice), Prof. Patrick Taillon, Me Julius H. Grey & Me Carle Evans. The event …

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7 Jan 2022

Meaning Making: Students and Indigenous Legal Education

The McGill Law Journal is delighted to welcome Professor John Borrows, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law at the University of Victoria, to give this year's Annual Lecture entitled, "Meaning Making: Students and Indigenous Legal Education." No prior registration required. This conference is free and open to the public.   Date: Tuesday January 11th Time: 5:30 …

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10 Feb 2020

Sustainable Democratic Constitutionalism and Climate Change

The McGill Law Journal is delighted to welcome Professor James Tully, Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Law at University of Victoria, to speak to our Annual Lecture entitled, "Sustainable Democratic Constitutionalism and Climate Change." We know that law is a major enabler of the human activities that cause climate change, biodiversity …

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4 Nov 2018

Programming Governance/ Governing Programming: Regulatory Challenges on the Edge of Technology

On November 4, 2018, the McGill Law Journal invited scholars, lawyers, students, and business entrepreneurs to its Annual Symposium titled, “Programming Governance/ Governing Programming: Regulatory Challenges on the Edge of Technology.” From the business realm to the legal field, new technologies are disrupting long-established ways of governing society. How are cryptocurrencies, …

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19 Jan 2018

McGill Law Journal Symposium: Fiduciaries of Humanity and International Law

Can we redefine public international law through the lens of the fiduciary model? The McGill Law Journal (MLJ) hosted a symposium entitled "Fiduciaries of Humanity and International Law." Using the theory of international law from "Fiduciaries of Humanity" as a touchstone or springboard, leading scholars on international law critically engaged the …

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20 Nov 2017

McGill Law Journal Francophone Conference: Artificial Intelligence & its Legal Challenges

The McGill Law Journal hosted a French conference on Artificial Intelligence & its Legal Challenges, which took place on November 20, 2017 at the McGill Faculty of Law. Panelists, Mr. Eric Lavallée, lawyer and trademark agent at Lavery Avocats, and Ms. Christelle Papineau, student researcher at the Laboratory of Cyberjustice at the …

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