Reconceiving Relationships, (Re) Building Bridges

9 Mar 2017

On March 9th,  2017, the McGill Law Journal hosted a symposium entitled “Reconceiving Relationships, (Re) Building Bridges” at the McGill Faculty of Law.

The symposium explored the complex interactions between law, society and the environment. It also provided dialogue on legal issues relating to the environment, including: legal narratives on nature; critical perspectives on environmental justice; jurisdictional debates over land governance; and private law responses to environmental challenges.

The panels included:

  1. Environmental Harm, Environmental Justice, Rights, Remedies and Resistance
  2. People and Power: Pathways to Protecting Indigenous Land Rights
  3. A System of Movement: Common Law Responses to Environmental Challenges

Our presenters were: Michel Bélanger, University of Montreal; Deborah Curran, University of Victoria; Lynda Collins, University of Ottawa; Gaële Gidrol-Mistral, UQAM; David Grinlinton, University of Auckland; Dayna Scott, York University; Sarah Vanuxem, Nice University Sophia Antipolis.